Regulations for using the website

§ 1 General information

  1. These regulations ("Regulations") define the rights and obligations of the parties of the service provided electronically via the telecommunications network on the website ("Website"), i.e. the rules for using the Website materials including databases of hotel and conference facilities and other enterprises operating within the meeting planning market (Partners). The Regulations also contain the conditions for placing content (data, information and photos) on the Website and the conditions for the provision of advertising services to Partners.
  2. The website is a platform dedicated to entrepreneurs and businessess run by: Nobell Congressing Sp. z o.o. located in Ożarów Mazowiecki, entered into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 14th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000241655, NIP number: 5262888621, REGON number140196078, share capital PLN 50,000, address: ul. Nadbrzeżna 4, 05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki, e-mail:, phone: +48 22 243 40 40 ("Nobell").
  3. The development of the Regulations is the fulfillment of the obligation specified in art. 8 sec. 1 point 1 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204, as amended)
  4. The Regulations constitute a model contract within the meaning of Art. 384 of the Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 1964, No. 16, item 93, as amended).
  5. The name of the Website, its concept, graphic design and databases are the property of Nobell and are legally protected under the applicable provisions.
  6. The condition for the use of the Website by the user is the acceptance of all conditions specified in the Regulations. If the Regulations are not accepted, using the Website is not allowed.
  7. The Services may be used by persons over 18 years of age, legal persons or organizational units without legal personality ("User"). Users are obliged to comply with the provisions of the Regulations. Depending on the context, the term "User" in the Regulations means the Website user - the conference organizer interested in contacting the Partner or the Partner's representative.

§ 2 Content on the website

  1. The Website is a platform enabling Nobell to provide marketing and advertising services to Partners by presenting information about Partners on the Website as well as consulting and commercial services in the field of intermediation between customers - Website users and Partners.
  2. The website contains a presentation of the Partners, including address details, information about the Partners' offer and contact details, including an e-mail address specially dedicated to a given Partner, enabling contact with the Partner via the Website.
  3. Services provided electronically ("Services") offered by Nobell through the Website for Users - organizers of Conferences interested in a Partner, consist of:
    1. enabling free access to materials collected in connection with the functioning of the Website;
    2. receiving marketing information, in particular commercial information about the services of Nobell and Partners;
    3. providing a personalized User account service ("Account");
    4. contact with Nobell consultants available on-line, using the hotline or chat;
    5. contact with Partners using web forms or dedicated e-mail addresses of Partners, presented on the Website and redirected automatically to the Partners' own addresses
  4. The services offered by Nobell via the Website for Users - representatives of Partners, in addition to those listed in §2, additionally consist of:
    1. payable posting of information about Partners on the Website in the form of advertising and marketing services consisting in the presentation of the Partner's contact details on the Website along with a link to his website;
    2. activities in the field of presentation and intermediation in contact with Partners in order to obtain optimal information about the Partners' hotel and conference offer, in particular by providing consultants available on-line, helpline and e-mail addresses dedicated to individual Partners.
  5. Services specified in § 2 para. 4 may be used by Users who are not consumers.
  6. The website serves as a communication platform between the Partner and the User - the conference organizer, interested in contacting the Partner. Nobell does not provide Partner Services, but only allows Users to contact Partners.
  7. Nobell is not:
    1. a party to the booking or any contract concluded between the Partner and the Website User,
    2. the representative of the Partner or the Website User in the scope of making a reservation or concluding any agreement between the Partner and the Website User;
    3. an intermediary acting on behalf of the Website User;
    4. an offeror or organizer of the Partner's Services presented on the Website.
  8. The Regulations do not define the content of the contract concluded via the Website between the User and the Partner, in particular, they do not constitute a template or general terms of the contract concluded between the User and the Partner.
  9. The photos and descriptions of the Partner Services posted on the Website do not constitute an offer within the meaning of Art. 66 of the Civil Code, and are only an invitation to use the Partner's Services, aimed at concluding a contract for the provision of these Partner's Services within the meaning of Art. 71 of the Civil Code.
  10. The Account contains the User's data provided by him in the Account creation form, allows the User to change these data, as well as manage other services constituting the Website's Functionality.
  11. An account may be created through the account creation form, as well as by a Nobell employee for the User - the Partner's representative during the service described in § 2 para. 1 and 2.
  12. The contract is concluded for an indefinite period.
  13. During Registration, by checking the appropriate, separate fields in the Account creation form, the User may declare that he agrees to receive commercial information about promotions and new products available on the Website, as well as other information sent by Nobell on his own behalf or at the request of other entities to the e-mail address provided in the Account creation form, also after the User has finished using the Website.
  14. In the event of any data provided in the Registration process becoming obsolete, the User should immediately update them using the forms available in the appropriate Account tab.
  15. The User gains access to the Account after entering the correct login (e-mail address) and password provided during Registration in the login form. In the event that the User forgets the password, after correctly completing the password recovery form and data verification by the Nobell system, the User will receive a reminder by e-mail to the e-mail address provided during Registration.
  16. The account is non-transferable.
  17. The User undertakes to keep the Account password secret. The User undertakes not to make the Account available for use by third parties.
  18. Nobell does not charge Users - conference organizers interested in contacting the Partner, any fees for using the Account.
  19. Users - representatives of Partners, are obliged to purchase one of the offered service packages in order to provide the services described in § 2 para. 1 and 2.

§ 3 Conditions for the conclusion and performance of the contract for the provision of electronic services

  1. Before using the Services referred to in §2 para. 2 The User concludes an agreement with Nobell for the provision of electronic services ("Agreement") on the terms set out in this section.
  2. By accepting the Regulations, one express one's will to conclude a contract with Nobell. When one click on the appropriate button, the Agreement is concluded.
  3. The use of the Functionalities is possible
  4. a) after creating an Account;
  5. b) without creating an Account. Without creating an Account, the use of the website is possible to a limited extent.
  6. In order to use the Account, the User is obliged to register on the Website ("Registration"). Creating an account requires clicking the "Register" button. In order to register, the User is obliged to accept these Regulations.
  7. After registration:
    1. User - may provide his / her name, surname, e-mail address, position, name of the company he/she represents, link to Facebook and LinkedIn profile and a photo.
    2. User - Partner's representative may provide his name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, name of the company he represents, position, photo of the representative as well as data of the Partner he represents.
  8. An account may also be created by a Nobell employee in order to implement another agreement concluded with the User - the Partner's representative, consisting in the purchase of a service package.
  9. The agreement with the User is concluded for an indefinite period and with the Partner for a specified period in a separate agreement between Nobell and the Partner.

§ 4 User's account

  1. The account contains the User's data provided by him in the Account creation form, allows the User to change these data, add opinions to articles and Partners, publish his own profile and articles (after approval by the Website Editors) and create a list of selected "favorite" Partners and sent to them inquiries.
  2. During Registration, by checking the appropriate, separate fields in the Account creation form, the User may declare that he agrees to receive commercial information about promotions and new products available on the Website, as well as other information sent by Nobell on his own behalf or at the request of other entities to the e-mail address provided in the Account creation form, also after the end of the User's use of the Website (Newsletter).
  3. In the event of any data provided in the Registration process becoming obsolete, the User should immediately update them using the forms available in the appropriate Account tab.
  4. The User gains access to the Account after entering the correct login (e-mail address) and password provided during Registration in the login form. In the event that the User forgets the password, after correctly completing the password recovery form and data verification by the Nobell system, the User will receive a reminder by e-mail to the e-mail address provided during Registration.
  5. The account is non-transferable.
  6. The User undertakes to keep the Account password secret. The User undertakes not to make the Account available for use by third parties.

§ 5 Posting information about Partners on the Website

  1. The Partner's order, on the basis of a separate order or contract, to provide the Partner with advertising and marketing services consisting in the presentation of the Partner's contact details on the Website along with a link to his website is tantamount to:
    1. Nobell's authorization to post information about the Partner's hotel and conference offer on the Website;
    2. granting Nobell a license to use the content and materials provided in accordance with the principles set out in § 2 point 2 of the Regulations and
    3. Nobell's use of an individual e-mail address dedicated to the Partner in order to act as an intermediary between the Partner and the Website user - the conference organizer interested in contacting the Partner - in connection with possible user inquiries regarding the Partner's offer.
  2. The Website allows authorized Users - representatives of Partners - to post information about Partners on the Website. By adding content to the Website, the User declares that in relation to the content posted on the Website, he has appropriate rights, in particular in the field of intellectual property rights, to dispose of such content. 
  3. Posting content by the user on the Website, or providing it to Nobell for this purpose, is tantamount to granting Nobell a non-exclusive, free, unlimited territorially and temporarily license to use such content for the purpose of presenting it on the Website, including displaying, distributing and multiplying on the web Internet and to modify such content without the need to obtain additional approvals in this regard.
  4. The user's posting on the Website of trademarks, logos or their transfer to Nobell for this purpose is tantamount to granting Nobell a non-exclusive, free, unlimited territorially and temporarily license to use the trademarks, logos and logos provided for the purpose of their presentation on the Website in connection with the Partner's presentation on the Website.
  5. It is forbidden to post on the Website any content that may violate the rights or interests of third parties, good manners, principles of social coexistence or contrary to the provisions of law. The User shall be solely responsible for any violation of the rights of third parties related to the posting of content on the Website, or their submission for publication on the Website.

§ 6. Nobell's authority and responsibility

1. Nobell reserves the right to introduce additional restrictions on the use of the Account, including deletion of the Account, in the event of a gross breach of the Regulations by the User or attempt to act to the detriment of Nobell.
2. Nobell, to the fullest extent permitted by law, shall not be liable for any disruptions, including interruptions, in the functioning of the Website caused by force majeure, unlawful actions of third parties or incompatibility of the Website with the User's technical infrastructure.
3. Nobell makes every effort to ensure that the data presented on the Website is up-to-date and complete, however, it does not guarantee and does not make any representations as to the completeness, timeliness, compliance or quality of the information presented on the Website.
4. Any liability of Nobell towards the Partner or the User - the conference organizer interested in contacting the Partner - for any claims of the User related to the provision of services by the Partner is excluded. Nobell shall not be liable to the user for any non-performance or improper performance of contracts concluded between the user and the Partner with whom the User has contacted using the Website.
5. Any possible liability of Nobell for confirmation or lack thereof by the User of any services commissioned by the Partner in connection with the marketing services provided by Nobell to the Partner is excluded. Any possible liability of Nobell for any possible damage suffered by the Partner due to the actions or omissions of the user is excluded.

§ 7. Activities for the protection of intellectual property

1. All materials offered or made available through the Website are subject to protection in accordance with the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights.
2. If Nobell receives information about infringements of the rights to the materials referred to in par. 1, Nobell will request the User to remove the consequences of the violations at the User's expense. If the User does not comply with Nobell's request within 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt by the User of the request, Nobell may bring claims against the User for infringement of the rights to the materials in question.

§ 8. Complaints

1. Subject to paragraph 2 below, complaints in matters related to the provision of Services, including non-performance or improper performance of the Services, will be forwarded by the User directly to the Partner whose Services the complaint relates to or to the Partner via Nobell to the Nobell e-mail address: In the event that the aforementioned complaints are submitted to Nobell, Nobell shall immediately forward the complaint to the Partner whose Services the complaint relates to, no later than within 7 (seven) business days from the date the complaint is received by Nobell.
2. All Users' complaints related to the operation of the Website should be directed to Nobell. Nobell considers complaints within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the complaint. Nobell will inform the User about the refusal to accept the complaint and its reasons by sending a message to the User's e-mail address provided when submitting the first Complaint. If Nobell does not respond to the complaint within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of its receipt, the complaint is deemed to be justified.
3. In the event of a dispute between Nobell and the User as to the legitimacy of the refusal to accept the complaint, the User has the right to use extrajudicial means of dealing with complaints and redress. The user may take advantage of mediation or amicable courts by delivering to the institution before which the proceedings will take place an appropriate form - an application for mediation or an application for consideration of a case before an arbitration court. The list of sample institutions with contact details is available at

§ 9. Technical requirements necessary to use the Website

1. It is necessary for the User to use the Website to have a device that allows access to the Internet, including a program for browsing its resources, accepting cookies and an e-mail account.

§ 10. Risks related to the provision of Services and data security

1. The systems and applications used by Nobell ensure a high standard of security and protection of personal data.
2. However, the user should be aware that the use of the Newsletter service requires the use of the public telecommunications network (the Internet), which is associated with an increased risk of the following risks:
• the possibility of receiving spam, i.e. unsolicited advertising (commercial) information sent electronically;
• the presence and operation of malware, including: computer viruses, i.e. specific software that can, when launched, infect files in a self-replicating manner, usually without being noticed by the User; viruses may be more or less harmful to the operating system in which they are located, the carrier of this type of software may be e-mail attachments;
• the presence and operation of Internet worms (worms), i.e. malware capable of self-replication, in this case, the lack of proper operation (software updating) of the IT system by the User may lead to an effective attack of an Internet worm;
• the possibility of the operation of spyware, i.e. the spyware of the User's activity on the Internet, installing itself without his knowledge, consent and control;
• the possibility of being exposed to cracking (breaking security) or phishing (catching passwords).
• sniffing - unauthorized wiretapping, other than cracking and phishing, consisting in the use of a sniffer - a computer program whose task is to intercept and possibly analyze data flowing on the network;
• the possibility of being exposed to other unwanted or "malicious" software that performs activities not intended by the User;

§ 11. Terms of termination of the Agreement

1. The User has the right to terminate the Agreement at any time.

2. The termination of the contract by the User takes place by deleting the User Account. The request to delete the account should be sent to Nobell by e-mail to All requests related to the deletion of the Account will be considered within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the request to delete the Account. After confirming the intention to delete the Account, Nobell will delete the User Account from the Website, and the User will receive a confirmation of the Account deletion.

3. Termination of the Agreement by Nobell may take place when the User:

a) uses the Account in a manner inconsistent with the Regulations,

b) uses or tries to use the Website in a manner inconsistent with its intended use,

c) breaches or tries to breach the technical security of the Website in order to gain unauthorized access to Nobell's IT resources.

4. In the case described in § 11 sec. 3 Nobell is entitled to request the User to stop violating the Regulations. If the User does not comply with the request or if the User fails to provide explanations within 3 days, Nobell has the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect.

5. The effect of termination of the contract is the removal of the User's Account from the Website by Nobell.

§ 12 Personal data protection

1. The administrator of the provided data is Nobell. Personal data will be processed in order to perform the Agreement pursuant to art. 6 1b GDPR, in particular for the purpose of:

1. enabling the User to use the Website;

2. setting up a User Account;

3. transferring the User's data to the Partner in order to check the Partner's availability and price;

4. improving the quality of services provided by researching the market, behavior and preferences of Users, adapting the Website offer to Users' expectations, creating a collective image of Users and advertising, and for statistical and administrative purposes.

2. These data are also transferred to Nobell's contractors:

a) providing hosting services: Ideo Sp. z o.o. with headquarters at ul. Nad Przyrwą 13, 35-234 Rzeszów and HOME PL S. A. with its registered office at ul. Zbożowa 4, 70-653 Szczecin

b) managing relations with partners: Pipedrive based in Tallinn 10617, Estonia at ul. OÜ Paldiski mnt 80;

c) enabling faster contact with Users and monitoring traffic on the Website: LiveChat, One International Place, Suite 1400, Boston, MA 02110-2619, United States of America.

3. These data will also be transferred to Partners in connection with Users' inquiries through the Website.

4. If the User has consented to it, Nobell will provide commercial information and marketing content relating to third parties to the e-mail address provided in the Registration form. Commercial information will be sent to the User at a frequency specified by Nobell.

5. The data provided for sending commercial information and marketing content will be transferred to the entity handling the sending of e-mails, ie FreshMail Sp. z o.o. with headquarters at al. 29 November 155 c in Krakow (31-406)

6. The User may at any time opt out of receiving further commercial information via e-mail by clicking on the link to unsubscribe from receiving commercial information ("Unsubscribe from receiving messages") located in the footer of each e-mail or by changing the User's account settings, after logging in to the account on the Website. Nobell considers the use of this button to withdraw consent to the processing of data for marketing purposes.

7. The User has the right to:

1. requesting access to personal data,

2.rectification, deletion, data transfer and

3. the right to limit processing,

4. object to processing and the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority.

8. Providing data is voluntary, but failure to provide data may make it difficult or impossible to use the Services. The data provided will not be shared with other entities for their marketing purposes.

9. In order to perform the Agreement, in particular as regards the implementation of the Reservation pursuant to §5 para. 9-11 of these Regulations, the User's personal data may be made available to the Partner.

10. The provided data will be processed for the period of limitation of claims arising from non-performance or improper performance of this Agreement, as well as the rights referred to in art. 19 paragraph 2 of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services. This period will be counted from the date of termination of this Agreement.

11. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the methods and rules of processing, please contact us at the following e-mail address:

§ 13. Final Provisions

1. The Regulations are available at the Nobell headquarters and on the Website.

2. Nobell reserves the right to change the Regulations for important reasons at any time. Information about the change in the Regulations and the reason for its change will be made available on the Website along with the new content of the Regulations.

3. The Regulations and its amendments enter into force on the date of their publication on the Website.

4. All attachments to these Regulations constitute an integral part of these Regulations.

5. The law applicable to all legal relations arising from these Regulations is Polish law. All disputes will be resolved by Polish common courts competent for the seat of Nobell.

6. The section titles are for information purposes only and do not affect the interpretation of the provisions of the Regulations.

Editorial Office

Jolanta Ambroziak
Editor in Chief

Nobell Congressing Sp. z o.o.
ul. Nadbrzeżna 4
05-850 Ożarów Maz.

Partner with

Justyna Malewo
Sales Director
phone: +48 728 819 963

Milena Wieczorek
Customer Support
phone: +48 698 515 394